Born and raised in Tehran, Iran, and initially educated in Economics and MBA, I am a multidisciplinary self-taught artist based in Dalarna, Sweden. Art is my way of expressing myself, visualizing my thoughts and dreams, and connecting with my surroundings.


A collective narrative, long durational performance, Orsa Kulturhus, Orsa, Sweden


Balance, performance, private show, Stockholm, Sweden


Narration I- Love and Narration II- Memory, Performances at Candyland gallery, Stockholm, Sweden

Eye’s walk digital festival, Syros & Lesvos, Greece

Inverse Performance Festival, Arkansas, United States

Performance, The Cruising Garden, London, United Kingdom

Performance, Studio Ilka Theurich , Hannover, Germany


Award winner of “The 1st Video Art Festival” Isfahan, Iran, 2013

Award winner of “The 3st Persbook event” Tehran, Iran, 2012