As a conceptual artist, I delve into the intricate layers of inner life, exploring thoughts, emotions, and experiences to better understand our connection to the world around us. My work prioritizes content and concept over material, and I use diverse media such as performance, video, and installation to bring these ideas to life. The medium I choose is always in service of the concept, allowing flexibility and openness in how I communicate my artistic vision.

2024 Without love I am …, a performance collaboration with Jeanette Löfgren, Orsa Kulturhus, Sweden

2023 A collective narrative, long durational performance, Orsa Kulturhus, Sweden

2020 Balance, performance, private show, Stockholm, Sweden

2018 Narration I- Love and Narration II- Memory, Performances at Candyland gallery, Stockholm, Sweden

Eye’s walk digital festival, Syros & Lesvos, Greece

Inverse Performance Festival, Arkansas, United States

Performance, The Cruising Garden, London, United Kingdom

Performance, Studio Ilka Theurich , Hannover, Germany

31es Instants Video Numeriques et Poetiques, Marseille, France

Awards Award winner of “The 1st Video Art Festival” Isfahan, Iran, 2013

Award winner of “The 3st Persbook event” Tehran, Iran, 2012